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Child and pet friendly, green, easy to apply and effective disinfectant.


Neutra-Lyze can be used to disinfect toys, changing tables, weights, benches, dumbbells, sitting areas, or any other hard surface in a childcare or fitness facility. Neutra-Lyze is completely harmless to humans and pets, which makes it the safest disinfectant on the market. Neutra-Lyze is Health Canada registered to completely eliminate a wide range of bacteria and viruses, which means kids and athletes will be safe to use the equipment.


There are no protective gloves, eyewear, or masks needed when spraying. Neutra-Lyze kills the bacteria with no harm to the equipment and is effective at getting rid of any unwanted smells. When used with an electrostatic sprayer, Neutra-Lyze covers every spot needed in a few short minutes. Total coverage that is safe in a very short time.

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